This course is suitable for those who wish to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System. The course provides information on the interpretation of the standard, as well as training on conducting internal audits and managing an integrated management system.

Course content:

  • ISO 14001:2015 standarta skaidrojums un prasības
  • Vides pārvaldības sistēmas dokumentācija un uzskaitīšana
  • Riska vadības un novērtēšanas metodes vides jomā
  • Iekšējais audits vides pārvaldības sistēmās
  • Integrated management systems and their relationship to other standards and guidelines

Participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to carry out internal audits and manage integrated management systems, including an environmental management system. Participants will become familiar with the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard and their application, which will help to improve the effectiveness of the environmental management system and contribute to the sustainable development of the company.