This course provides an introduction to the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and its development and implementation in an organisation. The course covers both theoretical and practical knowledge to enable participants to design and monitor an effective occupational health and safety management system that meets the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.

Participants will learn about the nature of an occupational health and safety management system, its basic principles, requirements and processes. The course also covers the role of the internal auditor in the monitoring and evaluation of the occupational health and safety management system, as well as the role of the integrated management system manager, which includes the integration of the occupational health and safety management system with other management systems, such as quality and environmental management systems.

Participants acquire practical skills and knowledge in the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and improvement of an occupational health and safety management system based on the requirements of ISO 45001:2018. The course also includes various situations and examples that will help participants understand the application of an occupational health and safety management system in different organisations and industries.

On completion of the course, participants will be ready to take on the role of internal auditor in monitoring and evaluating the occupational health and safety management system and will be able to develop and monitor an effective occupational health and safety management system that complies with ISO 45001:2018. In addition, participants will be able to integrate the occupational health and safety management system with other management systems, which will contribute to the sustainable development and improvement of the organisation's business.

The course covers the following main topics:

  • ISO 45001:2018 Guiding Principles and Requirements
  • Development and implementation of an occupational health and safety management system
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the occupational health and safety management system
  • Conducting an internal audit of the occupational health and safety management system
  • The role of the integrated management system manager in integrating health and safety management systems with other management systems
  • Improvement of the health and safety management system and implementation of a cycle of continuous improvement.

The course is suitable for those who want to acquire a basic knowledge of occupational health and safety management, as well as for those who are already working in the field and want to improve their skills and knowledge. The course is suitable for managers of organisations, occupational health and safety professionals and other professionals working with management systems.